Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Death of Liberalism

I should start off this obituary by noting the overall rightward shift in the Democratic Party. For those who haven't heard Howard Dean is out and Tim Kaine is in as Chairman. Howard Dean is the former presidential candidate who I would have voted for, if only he had met the height requirement. Tim Kaine is the Third Way (mixed socialist-hierarchal capitalist economic thought--not to be confused with 'third entry' although metaphorically speaking the result is the same) conservative former Virginia Governor. While Howard Dean was a moderate on civil-libertarian issues like gun ownership, Tim Kaine is moderate in that he is a social moderate and as one Virginian blog puts it:
"Kaine kept his pro-business promise, even to the extent of re-appointing a
member to the state water control board who had been cited twice for violating
the state’s clean water laws he was sworn to uphold.
Next, Kaine fully embraced
a new coal fired power plant in the Virginia coalfields and stood firm as his
liberal base accused him of being owned by the power plant applicant, a slave of
This is bad news for those of us who wanted a clean break from Bush's policies. Way to keep it real, DNC.


  1. Many voters are not aware of the Democratic Leadership Conference (DLC), which essentially has taken the Party away from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The backbone principle of the DLC basically is corporatism. The old Democrat Party is dead for all practical purposes. Mega multi-national companies (Crony Capitalists, not genuine Capitalists) now call the shots.

    Just my opinion.

  2. I have noticed the change, and read about the DLC on their website. They seem to keep retracing the talking points of Third Way, PPI(Progressive Policy Institute), and the British Labour Party, as well as books "by" Rahm Emanuel (Big Plan 2006) and John Kerry (A Call to Service 2003). They all seem content to let the Aristoi keep their old money, and to let the third estate fend for one another. They ALL endorse civilian conscription! Library of Congress link--


